I disappeared again! This time I have a somewhat legitimate excuse. I was out of town for the funeral of a friend's family member. I wasn't personally close with this person, but my friend needed support afterward so I traveled to my home town for most of a week and was without internet. I was also so busy that I didn't knit at all! Before I left I finished two more dishcloths.
First, since I have plenty of variegated dishcloth material (a Peaches and Creme cone and also two more balls of a different color!) I decided to try out patterns meant specifically for multicolored yarn. The first pattern is fairly simple:
I'm not convinced I like it, and feel that despite the intention of the pattern there were still clusters of color. It's easier to see on the back. There are patches of mostly darker colors and patches of lighter colors.
Back view w/color clustering |
Then, I decided to take on a more difficult pattern using variegated yarn. I made an entrelac dishcloth! Of course, I don't have cheap cotton dishcloth yarn that has a long variegation, but the pattern I used didn't either. Even so, I think mine had more different colors and I'm a little iffy on using it again for that. I'll have to find another pattern, I suppose!
You can see my minor problems with the first decreasing side triangle, which I think was brought about by picking up the wrong stitches. I didn't get quite close enough to the corner to make the triangle fit. Glad I made the mistake on a dishcloth instead of one of those lovely scarves! I think next time, I will make each row a separate color, but otherwise have solid colors. The result is very striking.
To use up a little of the leftover yarn, I decided to fall back on the ever so familiar Grandma's favorite dishcloth. I think it turned out quite well, an am surprised at how great the pattern looks even with the random change of color. I still have a weeeee bit of the purple left, so I think I'll wait until I've used another ball (I have a lot cuz it's my favorite color!) and have a more substantial amount for another leftover dishcloth.
Next time I'll be talking about a few little toys I've been working on. One is done except for a teensy bit of construction and stuffing. The other has one small part to be knit, and a little sewing for assembly before I can show it off. Till then, good luck with your own endeavors!
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